Project Overview

In this article, we’ll learn how to set up a production-ready Django project. This is the first article in the deploying Django series, and coincidentally, my first blog. We shall explore some of the security best practices built into Django - “the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines”.


Before we get started, it is important that you have the following software installed and properly configured (where necessary).

I’ll encourage you to run the following commands in your terminal as a brief smoke-test

$ python3 -v
$ pipenv -v
$ git -v
$ heroku -v

You will also need a Heroku account, so head over to Heroku’s sign up page to create a free account, in case you don’t have one already.

Project setup

Install Django

  1. Create a new folder and make it your current working directory
    $ mkdir django-hello-world
    $ cd django-hello-world
  2. Create a virtual environment using pipenv
    $ pipenv shell
  3. Install Django in the virtual environment
    $ pipenv install django

Start a new project

  1. Start a new Django project in the current directory
    Note: The . at the end of the startproject command is what instructs Django not to create an additional project folder.
    $ django-admin startproject hello_world .
  2. Check whether the Django project was set up correctly.
    $ python test

Create the home page

  1. Create a new app called pages
    $ python startapp pages
  2. Register the app to the project settings
     # hello_world/
     # Application definition
         'pages', # new
  3. Add tests for the homepage
     # pages/
     from django.test import SimpleTestCase
     class HomePageTestCase(SimpleTestCase):
         def test_homepage_basic(self):
             response = self.client.get('/')
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
             self.assertIn("Hello World!", response.content.decode())
  4. Create the home page view
     # pages/
     from django.http import HttpResponse
     def home_page(request):
         return HttpResponse("Hello World!")
  5. Set up the URLconf for the home page
     # hello_world/
     from pages.views import home_page
     urlpatterns = [
         path('', home_page, name='home_page'), # new
  6. Run the tests to confirm that everything was implemented correctly
    $ python test

Preparation for deployment

Deployment checklist

Go through Django’s deployment checklist. You can get feedback on what to change by running automated checks with the following command:

$ python check --deploy

We shall only change the ALLOWED_HOSTS and DEBUG settings to resolve the last two warnings.

Decouple config from code

It is important to separate configurations from code when developing applications, as outlined in the third factor of the 12 factor app methodology. We shall do so through the following steps:

  1. Add the following environment variables in a .env file in the current directory:

    Note: Make sure there are no spaces in the ALLOWED_HOSTS config.

  2. Restart the virtual environment to load the environment variables
    $ exit
    $ pipenv shell
  3. Install Python decouple
    $ pipenv install python-decouple
  4. Replace hard coded configurations in with environment variables using Python-decouple
     # hello_world/
     from decouple import config, Csv
     # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
     # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
     DEBUG = config('DJANGO_DEBUG', cast=bool, default=False)
     ALLOWED_HOSTS = config('ALLOWED_HOSTS', cast=Csv())


“Gunicorn is a Python WSGI HTTP server for UNIX” - gunicorn docs. That’s a lot of information in a single sentence. Let me try to break it down for you.

When we created the project using the startproject command, Django created a file for us, that defines a WSGI callable. Django, like many other Python web frameworks, uses the Web Server Gateway Interface to communicate with the server.

We’ll simulate a production set-up by running our application locally using gunicorn, since that’s what Heroku recommends for running Django applications.

Note: Since gunicorn is meant for UNIX based systems, it won’t work on Windows.

  1. Install gunicorn
    $ pipenv install gunicorn
  2. Run the web application locally using gunicorn
    $ gunicorn hello_world.wsgi
  3. Open localhost:8000 in your browser to see the running application.

  4. End the gunicorn process using Ctrl + C (Cmd + C on Mac).

  5. Create Procfile and add the following line to it:
    web: gunicorn hello_world.wsgi --log-file -

    According to the Heroku documentation, Procfile is used to explicitly declare your application’s process types and entry points.

Version control

  1. Create a .gitignore file and add the following content into it:
     # SQLite database
     # file containing environment variables

    Note: This is an important preparation for the next step.

  2. Start a new Git repository and check the status of the new repository
    $ git init
    $ git status
  3. Commit the changes
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m “Prepared the Hello World project for deployment”


  1. Authenticate the Heroku CLI
    $ heroku login
  2. Create a new Heroku app
    $ heroku create
  3. Add all environment variables to the Heroku app
    # example
    $ heroku config:set DJANGO_DEBUG=False
    • Set a different secret key from the one we used for local development and keep it secret - it is a secret key after all. You can use a secret key generator such as djecrety.
    • Add the domain of your Heroku app in the production ALLOWED_HOSTS environment variables.
      $ heroku apps:info
    • Disable collection of static files by Heroku during deployment. We do this since we haven’t yet configured the static files settings. We shall do so in the next tutorial.
      $ heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
  4. Deploy the project to Heroku
    $ git push heroku master
  5. Open the deployed application in your browser
    $ heroku open

    My Hello World application on Heroku The deployed application

Your app is now live on the internet. Congratulations!!!